
If you are a fan of you will really like this. MyStickies is a free service that allows you to put a Sticky note on a webpage, and add tags. Visit the link below to see what it is all about…

This link goes to the developers blog explaining the service.

Jac Wright » MyStickies Goes Live

iTunes and WordPress Funkiness

I think that I have found a bug in iTunes!

My buddy Victor Cajiao over at the Typical PC User Podcast had some funkiness going on with his feed. On Saturday he posted a show (See “Before” image) once iTunes downloaded it, iTunes would change the subscribed to feed from his feedburner address to the last enclosure URL (See “After” image). This was a problem because you would not get anymore updates from him because the URL for the MP3 was not a valid XML file! (See “After-After” image) …and therefore a bunch of iTunes users were not subscribed any longer.

I tried several fixes including upgrading his WordPress to 2.0 and a lot of other hair-brained fixes..the problem was there was an open link tag in a previous posts show notes (Kudos to Blaine McDonnell for catching that). Of course this is not right…but I think that this kicked off a bug in iTunes that changed the subscription URL.

There is a directive that you can put in your feed to point everyone to a new feed…but it shouldn’t do that unless it explicitly sees it. So podcasters be aware! Close all the tags in your Show Notes! (Which is good advice for anything really)

*Update* Apparently the podcast guys at Apple got back to us and said that they had seen this before as a rare problem…and are looking to fix that…Awesome!

Continue reading “iTunes and WordPress Funkiness”

Google Reader API

This is a good read explaining the api of Google Reader. I didn’t know that these were available so this is particularly interesting to me. Check it out.

Update: It isn’t quite ready for primetime yet and some of the URLs that you would use to access the data may change…so keep on the lookout for an announcment. More can be found at the link below.

Google Reader API

Smooth scrolling demo

Cool script to scroll the page when you visit a anchor on the same page.

Smooth scrolling demo
It’s quite often, when navigating through a long document, confusing or disorienting for users to click a link which immediately jumps them to somewhere else in that document. Are they on the same page, on a different page, should they scroll more from here, what’s going on?

IE 7.0, Boycott it.

Definitely an interesting read about IE 7 and the technical challenges behind it. I am sure that it isn’t easy to implement all those features but It can’t be that tough to pull off, come one, it’s Microsoft!

Firefox has done it, and further more, it is here today.

Also, isn’t it tiresome that Microsoft still chooses to use proprietary technologies rather than fix or support current web standards?

IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch
My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It’s a cancer on the Web that must be stopped. IE isn’t secure and isn’t standards-compliant, which makes it unworkable both for end users and Web content creators.

PHP is how old?

It seems that PHP is now 10 years old. I can’t seem to grasp that it has been that long but here is the original post via google groups of the availability of PHP 1.0.

I started a new job as a web developer in 2000 and I was going to be in charge of re-developing our intranet, and external web sites. It was originally written in Cold Fusion, which I really didn’t know much about, or really like. PHP was starting to make some noise with version 3, and I did a lot of reading on it, and there was plenty to be had. It seemed very interesting. Opensource, so there is no cost for upgrades. Easy to learn, but very flexible.

With the open nature of PHP there were a lot of open projects written in PHP. I downloaded a ton of them. Dissecting and learning from others projects really shortened the learning curve. I love to learn, and I was hooked. Sure, I probably learned a few bad habits, but there was a goldmine of great information.

So I was asked to make a recommendation of what direction to go with as far as development went, and I went out on a limb and choose PHP. What a great choice that was because it has lived up to it’s promises, and more. Now, there have been times when I have beat my head against the wall with it…but that goes with the territory.

I am glad PHP has been so much a part of my career these last 5 years for me. And here’s to another 10 years for PHP!

Thanks Rasmus! Cheers!