Gmail and Colored Labels

It looks like Gmail is rolling out new features. This time, Colored Labels.

I had seen something like this with a greasemonkey script so it looks like Gmail may be integrating popular third party ideas into Gmail. It sure does make identifying emails easier within labels.

Find out more here.

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Technorama Monopoly

I was kidding during the last show that we should make our own Technorama Monopoly Board. Well, I found out that you can, and you can order it.

It isn’t cheap, and it is in English Pounds, can check out some of the properties that I named on it by viewing the PDF linked below. Zoom in to read. It will get grainy because they won’t let you have a high resolution version unless you pay for the board.

Technorama Monopoly Board

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ScribeFire .. Firefox Extension

Huh…looks like it is the Performancing Firefox Extension from before….Works, that is all I need.

ScribeFire :: Firefox Add-ons

ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog.

ScribeFire (previously Performancing for Firefox) is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog. You can drag and drop formatted text from pages you are browsing, take notes, and post to your blog.

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Powered by ScribeFire.

I owned my domain for 7 years in March…

Wow…has it been that long? I think it is time for an upgrade. I have been thinking long and hard about changing the site up from just a blog to something more. I will do something this week! Don’t know what it is…but I will do something.

Come on over to Twitter

Twitter, if you haven’t seen it yet, is a service kinda like an IM and a Blog. You can keep up with your friends and see what they are doing….Go and have a look, and add me “steppek” to your friends list if you sign up.