PHP is how old?

It seems that PHP is now 10 years old. I can’t seem to grasp that it has been that long but here is the original post via google groups of the availability of PHP 1.0.

I started a new job as a web developer in 2000 and I was going to be in charge of re-developing our intranet, and external web sites. It was originally written in Cold Fusion, which I really didn’t know much about, or really like. PHP was starting to make some noise with version 3, and I did a lot of reading on it, and there was plenty to be had. It seemed very interesting. Opensource, so there is no cost for upgrades. Easy to learn, but very flexible.

With the open nature of PHP there were a lot of open projects written in PHP. I downloaded a ton of them. Dissecting and learning from others projects really shortened the learning curve. I love to learn, and I was hooked. Sure, I probably learned a few bad habits, but there was a goldmine of great information.

So I was asked to make a recommendation of what direction to go with as far as development went, and I went out on a limb and choose PHP. What a great choice that was because it has lived up to it’s promises, and more. Now, there have been times when I have beat my head against the wall with it…but that goes with the territory.

I am glad PHP has been so much a part of my career these last 5 years for me. And here’s to another 10 years for PHP!

Thanks Rasmus! Cheers!

Apple throws the switch, aligns with Intel

Ah, now some more info…
Looks like OSX will only run on x86 Macs, and not just any x86 machine…

Apple throws the switch, aligns with Intel | CNET

After Jobs’ presentation, Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller addressed the issue of running Windows on Macs, saying there are no plans to sell or support Windows on an Intel-based Mac. “That doesn’t preclude someone from running it on a Mac. They probably will,” he said. “We won’t do anything to preclude that.”

However, Schiller said the company does not plan to let people run Mac OS X on other computer makers’ hardware. “We will not allow running Mac OS X on anything other than an Apple Mac,” he said.

Awww Man!

Update: I started thinking about this whole thing after I posted…I guess this really means that there is no story. So what, OSX will run on Intel, but only Mac with Intel. Big Deal.

Here is really what happened to Apple.

Marty McFly: What about all that talk about screwing up future events, the space-time continuum?
Dr. Emmett Brown: Well, I figured, what the hell.

Looks like Apple is doing it. They do make great machines…but if I can run OSX on a standard PC why buy a premium Mac x86? Maybe the only hardware they care about is the iPods…and selling software.

I hope this works out for them.

If a geek falls at CON does he make a sound?

About a month ago, I started co-hosting a podcast with Chuck Tomasi over at I don’t know why I am just now posting something about it…but I am.

We talk about Tech, geek, and anything in between. In the last few shows, Chuck and I talked about 10 things you can do with your old pc…and I did a Sound Seeing tour of my Midnight experience seeing Revenge of the Sith, and I also had a nice interview with one of the drivers of the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile.

On this Wednesdays show we are talking about Firefox, and our favorite extensions and tricks. Coming up, in the next few episodes…Wiki’s (not Wookies) and later in June I will be visiting Hero’s Comic Book convention in Charlotte, NC.

So come on over and release your inner geek!

Obi-Wan, Here I Come!

Only about 10 hours until I go see the final installment to the Star Wars movies.

Seems like only yesterday that my parents took me to see Star Wars on their anniversary, and I could almost wish hard enough to make a Lightsaber appear out of thin air.

Star Trek Enterprise : Warp Factor Zip

That sucks. I Liked the show, then disliked the show, then Liked it again only to have the black hole ripped out from under me.

It stinks that the show is gone, because the last season was getting really good. This last episode I liked because it took me back a bit with the next gen characters Riker and Troi. I thought it was a nice touch with that and the holodeck and all.

Oh well, Paramount has nobody to blame but thier writers…Season 3 did the show in for a lot of folks.