I have always loved the Rankin/Bass stop motion holiday specials. I have seen the pictures of the original puppets in disarray and they looked bad. However it looks like they have now been restored! Check out the link below to see pictures of them in all their original glory.

Rudolph & Santa: RESTORATION FINISHED!: updated 8-15-06
The original Rankin/Bass Ani-Magic Puppets of Rudolph and Santa from the 1964 TV special, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer have finished their restoration process. The puppets spent the early half of this year residing among other modern day stop-motion puppets in one of Hollywood’s leading animation studios where experts in puppet construction and preservation have been meticulously working to restore them to their original specifications. This includes detailed cleaning, careful repair of broken parts and reconstruction of a few minor missing costume pieces. Now finished the puppets arel be back in working condition, able to stand and pose as they were originally designed. For the first time in 40 years, Rudolph’s nose can once again light the night with his famous red glow.

Also, here is a link the the people at Screen Novelties that did the restoring.

I found this via Cartoon Brew.

More IE7 thoughts…after the release.

Remember when IE 7 was coming out? I said that I belived that the interface alone would be a deterrent to some. Well, I have heard 3 people, and I am sure they aren’t the only ones, have said…I got IE7, didn’t like the way it looked, and it was I went back to 6.

I was getting my hair cut last night, and the woman whom I use, said We just bought a laptop and we got online and the first thing we started getting pop-ups. (Naked Women pop-ups in front of her Children)
Doesn’t that suck after you just got a new computer and that is your first experience? Ok, I can deal with Naked women…but I am talking about regular users here.

I am sure people get tired of me preaching about Firefox…but Here you go.

What have been your experiences with IE7 and “regular users”?

Weird Al Rocks.

This is YouTube Gold. Al “Interviews” Kevin Federline.
(Just to let you know…I really dislike that I had to type that guys name on my blog)

[tag]weird al, youtube, federline[/tag]

It’s beginning to hurt a lot like Christmas

My buddy JT over at theGigCast wrote a nice *cough* Christmas Song.
Head over there, download, and check it out.

Nightgig » It’s beginning to hurt a lot like Christmas
It’s beginning to hurt a lot like Christmas
As to the mall I go
Credit cards melting down, at every shop in town
And the line at the post office seems to grow and grow…
It’s beginning to hurt a lot like Christmas
It happens every year
But what’s a guy to do, but try to make it through,
And pray the end is near!

Lucky The Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Geeks

Santa is trying something different this year and is enlisting all the elves to create a new Massive Multiplayer Online Game for all the girls and boys. Demos have gotten tough reviews and there is a lot of work to be done before Christmas.

Lucky the Reindeer and his friend and Elf, Herbert, Leave Santa’s Workshop out of frustration because they feel like they don’t fit in and are not included in the round of development. Heading out to look for the one place that will accept a geek for who he really is, they travel in search of the Island of Misfit Geeks.

Will they find the Island? Will Santa be good to his word and get a good game out in time for Christmas?

Click here for Lucky the Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Geeks.